With this
brief reflection we highlight some questions that arise spontaneously and
impose themselves on the critical spirit of those who look disenchantedly at
today's society:
May the
Christians of our time continue to invoke the urgency of an energetic
transition, a moderation in consumerist habits for the whole human community,
the need to safeguard creation and future generations, without requiring at the
same time a different and more serious commitment of Nations and Institutions on
a global level on debated and unresolved topics within the same world of
scientific research and that have not yet found adequate and satisfactory
having shared the recent address of His Holiness Pope Francis I, reported on
press agencies about the urgency of an energy transition in order to avoid that
the victims of climate change are the poorest, (refer for instance to http://www.ansa.it/canale_ambiente/notizie/clima/2018/06/09/papavittime-mutamenti-clima-sono-poveriurgente-transizione_7ba52541-5cfa-4fae-aeea-956959ac6cde.html
), with passionate and filial reverence to our Church I address to all of You
questions that seem to afflict the spirit of many Christians, hoping to
contribute to focus both institutional and public attention on these unresolved
issues, which appears to be of crucial importance for the sustainability of the
energy transition and for a peaceful future, fair and sustainable World.
It is not
only my personal opinion that as Christians, particularly in Europe, a THRUTH
CAMPAIGN should be promoted on such issues on behalf of PEACE and SUSTAINABLE
DEVELOPMENT of the entire World.
To this
aim, I summarize below five topics that is necessary to clarify, first of all,
for ethical reasons :
1) the
actual destructive potential and the actual geographical dislocations of
weapons of mass destruction (NBC, Electromagnetic Pulse, neutron, etc.) and not
only those of nuclear weapons;
2) the
actual existence - as fanciful as it may seem - of unconventional (advanced
technological) weapons capable of concentrating unthinkable amounts of
pulsating energy in microseconds on
faults in the earth's crust and favoring
seismic events in predetermined geographical places;
3) the
actual state of the art on the development of fourth and fifth generation
nuclear reactors, including the so-called "intrinsically safe" and on
which the long term hopes for the survival of a declining nuclear peaceful
technology are placed;
4) the
actual contribution that the ITER project (under construction in Cadarache -
France) can give after 50 years of basic and technological research on hot
fusion, given that the density of plasmas on the Earth (even with the expected
effects of toroidal striction through powerful helicoidal electromagnetic
fields) it is however subject to natural limits for gravitational effects in
comparative terms compared to the stellar plasmas where the hot fusion actually
takes place. (In practice: the required power densities do not seem to be
reachable on Earth!).
5) the
effective contribution that can give serious research - always avoided and
misled - on cold fusion, which according to some physicists is a concrete,
detectable and measurable effect, not yet really understood and exploited for
the production of energy.
world withered by crises and inequalities, by conflicts and manipulations, by
fear for the present that we are living and for the future that we will leave
to our children, can not afford - in a Christian and European perspective - to
neglect even the smallest possibility to reopen (e.g. by cold fusion) the DOORS
OF HOPE for a future of PEACE, SUSTAINABILITY and EQUITY for every human being,
regardless of ethnicity, country of origin and social status.
On the
other hand, human presence and civilization on Earth is at stake, as well as
the survival of the entire planetary environment that we should have preserved
and cared for, in harmony with a Christian spirit and with respect for the
commands received from the Creator.