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LAVORI PUBBLICATI (tra cui i seguenti:)
- LAVORI PUBBLICATI (tra cui i seguenti:)
- Le curve a "S" di un progetto e la funzione di Gompertz
- LA GESTIONE DEI CONTRATTI e Problematiche Attigue
- IPPC-BAT Linee Guida Aspetti Economici in Gazzetta Ufficiale
- Sostenibilità e Valori riconsiderando Simmel
- Solitarie riflessioni di un passante: frammenti di spirito del nostro tempo
- Spunti dalla MMT (Modern Monetary Theory), Congetture, Riflessioni e Proposte su Analogie tra Reti Elettriche e Reti Commerciali Internazionali, tra Generatori Elettrici e Generatori di PIL
- Ass. Ambiente e Società
- Regione Pelion (Grecia)
- Ass. CIVILTA' dell'AMORE (2017)
- Ass. CIVILTA' dell'AMORE (2021)
- Certificazione AICE - ICEC in TCM (Total Cost Management)- ALBO N°107 - Lazio
- Certificato Quinquennale AICE-ICEC
- Riconoscimento Ministeriale IEng (UK)
mercoledì 24 gennaio 2024
L’INTELLIGENZA ARTIFICIALE (AI) E’ GIA’ QUI CON NOI? Una breve conversazione con l’AI (Copilot with Bing Chat – disponibile sul nuovo Browser di Microsoft) e un Ragionamento di complemento alle risposte ricevute.
sabato 20 gennaio 2024
Why does the stress strain curve in Abaqus of my concrete model look like this?A question posed (2024, Jan 11, ) by Hanif Hanif on ResearchGate
It is a stress-strain
diagram. Let’s divide the diagram into 3 different zones: 1, 2, 3, each
characterized by its own typical trend.
ZONE 1: Linear law
between stress and strain (Hook’s Law). The slope of such a line is a measure
of the elastic module of the material. If during this phase you stop applying
the force, the preserved elasticity of the material brings it back to the
original dimension from which you started (i.e. the origin of the axes). Elastic
modulus, also known as Young's modulus, is a fundamental property of materials
that measures their stiffness or resistance to elastic deformation under
stress. This property is essential in engineering and materials science, as it
determines a material's ability to support loads and maintain its shape. The
area of each zone (kg x m) represent the necessary energy to deform the sample
of (unknown) material under test.
ZONE 2: The law between
stress and strain is no more linear.
Even stopping to apply the force, the original elasticity of the
material is damaged and lost and it is impossible to bring back the material to
its original dimension. Noticeable is the negative slope in this zone. The
deformation continues with decreasing force up to a minimum and the slope
changes sign again, due (presumably) to work hardening of the material.
ZONE 3: The minimum
point reached can be considered the beginning of actual failure, characterized
by large deformations with smaller forces, which again follow a law that is substantially
linear here, but is not necessarily the case in all materials.
Observers rightly pointed out that there may be several reasons why the stress-strain curve of a concrete model in Abaqus may show a certain behavior. So that various elements to find an explanation should include: Material properties; Concrete model; Failure criteria; Loading conditions.
In search of an explanation one might also think of an overlap in the proposed graph between load in action and reaction. But, as far as I can see (e.g. refer to the image below - Image source: https://caeassistant.com/blog/fiding-reaction-force-on-a-body / ) Abaqus distinguishes very well in the graphical results between action and reaction by presenting two separate graphs with different trends, especially in the case of dynamic loads.
In this case, however, the question was asked on a single graph without specifying whether it concerns active load (e.g. Zone 1) and reactive load (e.g. Zone 2 plus Zone 3) combined together, also excluding a part of reactive load until the start of the Zone 2 (All this trying to imagine a possible explanation). But it is not the case. So I am inclined to assume that the positive slope of Zone 3 is the result of work hardening, just as the specific literature mentions about it (search for: work hardening effect in unreinforced concrete). Anyhow, in case anyone has a different, specific explanation, I'd appreciate hearing about it.
venerdì 19 gennaio 2024
How can instructional supervision be the catalyst for innovation and excellence in education? A question posed by C.Gonzaga on ResearchGate
It should be stated that no one among humans possesses the Truth, except perhaps small fragments of it, often to be verified and proven through concrete evidence. What can be said regarding the question posed is necessarily inserted in individual experiences and in one's own intellectual path: social, educational, etc.
Teaching supervision implies knowledge of what is supervised and therefore pedagogical attention to implicit teaching, so that in a highly evolutionary and competitive society, innovation is fueled through a cognitive stimulus that aims for excellence, above all with a disciplined and humble critical spirit, but without presumptions, arrogance or vainglory. An educational supervision that is limited to compliance actions and simple order towards pre-established schemes could not be very fruitful. In this regard it is necessary to remember how the school of "field psychology" (in particular Kurt Lewin) teaches that the more structured the (psychological) cognitive field is, the more efficient and powerful it is in analysis, but at the price of rigidity towards elements innovative critics. Conversely, the more unstructured the field is, the more creativity and willingness there is to accept and include in the field itself (through study and research) the critical elements that have emerged useful for innovation and a path to excellence. In essence, it requires a sort of pedagogical "trade off" to be evaluated, chosen and implemented based on contingent and situational elements.
Not so much from the question, but from the expected "key words" provided for the online search, we understand that these are also topics that concern Microsoft Excel. We can say that this spreadsheet, like others that exist on the market, offers a lot of potential in practical use. Equipped with many mathematical, statistical and programming logic functions, it is suitable for numerical calculation, but can also be used as a database for activities ranging from simple administrative management (orders, invoices, payments, etc.) up to real activities planning, management and control of contracts or projects, even very important and complex ones. For example, Excel can be programmable integrated with QBasic-type software, introducing procedural programming systems, although today the potential offered by Python tends to make it considered obsolete. Perhaps this is why there is news that «Microsoft has collaborated with the data science platform Anaconda to bring this functionality to life. The company uses the Anaconda Python distribution, running in Azure, to bring the most popular Python libraries to Excel, including Matplotlib and Seaborn for data visualization.( Aug 22, 2023 ref. https://techcrunch.com/2023/ 08/22/microsoft-is-bringing-python-to-excel/)» Excel's current graphing capability is good for diagramming its results, but certainly not comparable to what Python allows.
This alone indicates how careful didactic supervision can push critically to delve deeper into topics on which the field branches out, which inevitably induce the need for in-depth study, orienting teachers and students towards greater knowledge.
A simple and modest example of circumventing the potential in the field of analysis of old versions of Excel can be provided through the following reference:
venerdì 12 gennaio 2024
What is the best way to find out the cost of various construction materials?
What is the best way to find out the cost of various construction materials?
- Lecturer PhD student at the University of Miskolc, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Informatics,Department of Fluid and Heat
- University of Technology, Iraq
- Mechanical Engineering Department
Answered by R.Morelli October 24th 2023
A unique price for a material does not exist. What is valid in one country is not valid in another. There are obvious reasons that explain this.